News and Events VPN solution - Malaghan Institute of Medical Research During the lockdown period REANNZ engineers were able to support the IT team at Malaghan Institute of Medical Research with the deployment of a trial VPN solution. Research teams at Malaghan had been experiencing issues with their existing VPN platform both in scaling and capability during the move to working remotely.Dr Johannes Mayer, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Malaghan Institute, explained the impact the solution has had on improving performance: “Due to the lockdown all my work-related activities had to be moved off-site at short notice. This meant moving large datasets, that included millions of scientific data points, back and forth from our institute’s storage servers to my personal laptop for analysis via the VPN.Due to the large size of the data only one of these files could be moved and analysed at any given time. As I had several data sets that needed to be analysed and compared to previous results this was extremely tedious and a frustrating experience prior to the improved VPN solution. Transfers sometimes had to be undertaken overnight or even crashed the system. I am very happy with the new VPN solution, as it allows me to transfer my data much quicker, it also communicates much better with the other institute software that we use to process and store these data files.” Marie Armstrong, Head of IT at Malaghan Institute, praised the efforts of those involved in supporting the deployment of the solution especially Yesh Ramesh, Senior Network Engineer and Vlad Mencl, Senior Software Engineer. “Working with the REANNZ team was great - we had a few challenges along the way, but Yesh and Vlad stayed online for hours troubleshooting with me - going way above and beyond!” If you and your team are facing similar challenges feel free to get in touch at Yeshaswini Ramesh, Senior Network Engineer Vladmir Mencl, Senior Software Engineer