News and Events REANNZ Lunchtime Sessions 2019 Thank you for joining us for our REANNZ Lunchtime Sessions this year! Here is an overview of the topics we have covered with the presentation slides and recordings available to view and download. Take a look and catch up on any sessions you might have missed.April: Intelligent Network Performance Metrics. Richard Proctor, Senior Software Engineer. May: Ansible at REANNZ. Paul Gunn, System Administrator. June: Eduroam Update. Paul Gunn, System Administrator. July: Unleashing the Hivemind: Building Scalable Networks. Aaron Murrihy, Senior Network Engineer. August: International Network. Dan Twohill, Senior Network Engineer. September: How to talk to researchers about their research. Wallace Chase, Technical Engagement Manager. September Lunchtime Session Recording October: Practical Network Automation at REANNZ. Aaron Murrihy, Senior Network Engineer. October Lunchtime Session RecordingNovember: Assessing risk in the physical build of a network. Planning for our Lunchtime Sessions in 2020 is underway and we would love to hear any feedback or topic suggestions you have for next year. Please send your suggestions to up to date on our news on Twitter @REANNZ and subscribe to our mailing list to receive our newsletters and Lunchtime Session invitations.